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Del. Moffatt reiterates call to arm guard

Del.  Moffatt travels to Chattanooga Army Recruiter to place flag at Memorial

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Exactly three weeks ago the Chattanooga Army Recruiter was attacked by a lone gunman killing Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Sullivan, Lance Clp. Squire K. Wells, Staff Sgt. David Wyatt, Sgt. Carson Holmquist, and Petty Officer Randall Smith. A few days later Delegate Moffatt (R- Putnam) called on the Governor not only to lower the flags in their honor but to allow the WV Guard to carry weapons to protect themselves.  The Governor did follow through and lower the flag but has yet to take action to protect the Guard.  With the lack of action, Delegate Moffatt has had a Bill drafted to codify the ability for our service personnel to protect themselves.

“If the Executive Branch will not take action, the Legislature must move forward to support these fine men and women.”  said Delegate Moffatt “Governors in seven States have already stepped up and it is time for West Virginia to do so as well. I hope the Governor takes action soon but we will be ready in case he does not.”

On Monday, Delegate Moffatt went to the Armed Forces Recruiting Station on Lee Highway in Chattanooga, TN, to place a flag with his son.  Their flag was among hundreds that are there in the make-shift memorial which has sprung up since the tragedy. There too were calls for our Armed Forces to be armed for self-protection.


A draft copy of the legislation is available upon request.

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