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Concord to host annual Career Fair and Teacher Recruitment Day

West Virginia Press Association

ATHENS, W.Va. – Concord University will host the annual Career Fair and Teacher Recruitment Day on Wednesday, April 10, from 10 AM to 2 PM in the Jean & Jerry L. Beasley Student Center. Employers from around the region will be available to speak with students about jobs and career opportunities.

This event allows students to speak with employers about trends in different industries, gain insight into the important issues that drive certain fields of study, and learn the value of networking and communicating with business professionals. It’s also an opportunity to showcase their abilities, knowledge and skills, and present their resume to employers.

Concord University’s Career Services is pleased to invite regional businesses to participate in the event. Participants are encouraged to bring flyers, brochures, and other informational material, along with any promotional items to display on your table for giveaways, as well as a personalized table covering. There is no fee for employers to register for the Career Fair, but registration is requested to inform students about what companies will be present. Click HERE to register for the Career Fair/Teacher Recruitment Day.

For more information, please contact Courtney Clark Hill, Interim Director of Career Services, at [email protected] or 304-384-5412.

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