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Cold spell, snowstorm helps launch West Virginia’s ski season

By Rick Steelhammer, Charleston Gazette-Mail

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — With help from a winter storm early in the week that topped off an accumulation of machine-produced snow with eight inches of powder, Snowshoe Mountain Resort will open for 2020-2021 ski season on Friday.

The Pocahontas County resort will make its season debut using nine of its 61 trails, plus a terrain park, served by three of its 12 lifts. An average snow base of 45 inches covers the 29 acres of skiing and snowboarding terrain available for Snowshoe’s opening weekend.

On Thursday, Snowshoe employees and season pass holders previewed the available terrain in a special session hosted by the resort. Snowshoe Mountain’s Silver Creek section is scheduled to open on Dec. 18.

In Tucker County, Canaan Valley Resort’s ski area is scheduled to host its season opener on Dec. 19. The state’s longest-operating downhill ski area includes 47 trails served by four lifts, along with a snow tube park…

To read more: https://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/cold-spell-snowstorm-help-launch-wvs-ski-season/article_fa6ec1f6-ed6e-5bc5-888d-1d97a32cce65.html

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