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Capitol Hill lawmakers weigh in on Clarksburg, W.Va., lead pipe issue

By Eric Cravey, Times West Virginian

FAIRMONT, W.Va. — The Clarksburg Water System received a boost from Washington on Friday.

Senators Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and Rep. David McKinley, R-D-1, urged the head of the Environmental Protection Agency to address the elevated levels of lead found in the drinking water of homes served by city water.

“We were concerned to learn of the elevated levels of lead in drinking water in certain homes in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Ensuring the safety of all of the citizens of West Virginia is of the utmost importance to us. We write to request immediate assistance from the Environmental Protection Agency in providing support for residents served by the Clarksburg Water System (“the System”) as the System works to comply with the Emergency Administrative Order (“Emergency Order”) issued by the Agency and the notice of violation issued by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WVDHHR),” reads the letter from lawmakers to EPA Administrator Michael Regan.

The Clarksburg Water System serves approximately 18,000 residents via 8,500 service connections. The Clarksburg system also serves as a water supply for a number of other public water systems in the area, which includes an additional 38,000 people…

To read more: https://www.timeswv.com/news/saturday_news/capitol-hill-lawmakers-weigh-in-on-clarksburg-lead-pipe-issue/article_4d6e37f2-ebfa-11eb-bc1f-ab621a737fdf.html

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