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WVU players read to Trinity kids

The Dominion Post

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Some of Trinity Christian School’s younger students received some special visitors Dec. 5.

WVU football players Reese Donahue (from left), Logan Thimons and Druw Bowen high-five Trinity second graders during a visit. (Photo by Ron Rittenhouse/The Dominion Post)
WVU football players Reese Donahue (from left), Logan Thimons and Druw Bowen high-five Trinity second graders during a visit.
(Photo by Ron Rittenhouse/The Dominion Post)

Members of the WVU football team — Kyle Ayers, Logan Thimons, Druw Bowen and Reese Donahue — met with the school’s second-grade class.

There, they had a read aloud with the kids, reading to them “The Tale of Three Trees,” a collection of traditional folktale stories.

Robert Glowacky, assistant director of football operations, said the visit was requested by a parent affiliated with the school. In addition to schools, players also frequent WVU Medicine Children’s and the Shack Neighborhood House.

“This week was the easiest since our regular season is over,” Glowacky said, adding that the team tries to conduct outreach in the community as often as possible.

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