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WV State Farm museum Christmas lights on through Dec. 18


Point Pleasant Register

POINT PLEASANT, W.Va.  — Today marks the return of a yuletide tradition in Mason County when the West Virginia State Farm Museum’s Christmas Light Display returns.

The West Virginia State Farm Museum’s Christmas Light Display returns today through Dec. 18. The show is from 6-9 p.m. nightly at the museum just north of Point Pleasant, located across from the Mason County Fairgrounds.
The West Virginia State Farm Museum’s Christmas Light Display returns today through Dec. 18. The show is from 6-9 p.m. nightly at the museum just north of Point Pleasant, located across from the Mason County Fairgrounds.
The show is from 6-9 p.m. and will run nightly today through Dec. 18 at the museum just north of Point Pleasant, located across from the Mason County Fairgrounds. It’s estimated this is the 16th year for the display, which is free though donations are appreciated.

It’s estimated more than 1 million lights adorn the grounds of the farm museum, lighting up the displays which take visitors back to a simpler time. Visitors can drive through the property or walk among the old one-room schoolhouse, country church, newspaper office, the Blacksmith shop and more. While looking at lights, visitors can take in the Christopher H. Bauer Memorial Museum that opened last year, containing an array of animal trophies and displays.

Employees at the farm museum typically start working on putting up the light display just after the Country Fall Festival in October.

Staff at the farm museum say in recent years, visitors seem to make a night out of looking at Christmas lights, many starting at the museum, working their way to Krodel Park and then to Gallipolis City Park, or, vice versa. Like many other Christmas traditions in the area, the museum’s Christmas light display has become a “must” for “kids” who grew up with it and now are treating their children to this uniquely Mason County memory.

Santa Claus will be in the Country Kitchen each night to visit with children and there will be free cocoa and cookies in the kitchen for visitors as well.

See more from the Point Pleasant Register 

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