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‘WV Can’t Wait’ movement aims to engage, represent state’s disenfranchised


The Parthenon

West Virginia gubernatorial candidate and former anti-poverty community organizer, Stephen Smith, addresses constituents at a recent town hall event in Marshall’s Memorial Student Center.
(Parthenon photo)

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — As part of his 55 County Town Hall Tour, an anti-poverty community organizer turned gubernatorial candidate met with local constituents to discuss their priorities and the “WV Can’t Wait” movement Saturday, Jan. 26, in Marshall University’s Memorial Student Center.

“WV Can’t Wait” is the grassroots movement gubernatorial candidate Stephen Smith is building with aims to substantially transform the current sociopolitical power dynamic within the state.

“We can have a West Virginia that belongs to all of us,” Smith said. “But Jim Justice won’t get us there. And neither will I or any other political candidate. We need a movement. We need a thousand leaders, not just one.”

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