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West Virginia Secretary of State Warner warns about election interference


The Parkersburg News and Sentinel

Mac Warner, W.Va. Secretary of State

CHARLESTON, W.Va.  — With Russian election interference a big part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report released Thursday, West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner wants the public to know the signs of misinformation.

The Secretary of State’s Office released a PowerPoint presentation Wednesday on how Russian entities used social media to interfere with the 2016 presidential elections. Warner is taking this presentation around the state to groups and schools to educate the public to be cautious about the information they share on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms.

“I am hopeful that our government, community and school leaders will take this presentation and share it with their members and students,” Warner said. “The best way to defend against these attacks on our society is to learn the bad actors’ tactics and recognize attempts to undermine our democracy. This presentation is a simple first-step towards building that defense.”

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