For The Herald-Dispatch
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Whether you’re looking to shop, meet some industry professionals, or just looking for an excuse to dress up — there’s plenty to do at the Tricon. The Tri-State Comic Convention will be returning to the Big Sandy Superstore Arena on Saturday, June 8. The event will run from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Admission is $10 with free admission for children under the age of 10. The annual convention was founded by James Maddox and Eric Watkins since 2011.
“We have a comic company called Broken Icon comics. We went to a bunch of cons, thought we had a good idea of how they were ran, and made a lot of contacts in the industry. We decided to try an put one on in our own little backyard,” Founder James Maddox explained. “That was eight years ago.”
“This year we are bringing a number of comic creators from all over the world. We have American creators coming from Denver, Colorado, and New York. We also have a creator, Daxiong, who used to live in China but now lives in Canada.” Maddox said. “Everyone that we are bringing in has been working a number of licensed books and creator owned works. It’s very important to get guests who exist in both of those worlds. It fulfills our mission to bring in people who work with big industry, but do their own passion projects.”
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