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Several bills introduced to Legislature Feb. 14

The Dominion Post

CHARLESTON, W.Va. —  Here are some bills introduced Feb. 14. Local lead sponsors and co-sponsors are noted.

SB 281, would increase the number of on-site limited video lottery machines for private retailers from five to seven, and for nonprofits from 10 to 12. Sets a September bid for current permit holders. Sen. Mike Maroney, R-Marshall, co-sponsor.

SB 290, to allow distillers to offer liquor for on-site consumption on Sundays starting at 10 a.m., and for off-site consumption starting at 1 p.m. Sundays, or 10 a.m. if the local government allows.

SB 297, a governor’s bill, raises the minimum criminal penalty for transportation of a Schedule I or II narcotic drug into the state from one year to three years.

SB 313, to rename the Court of Claims the Claims Commission.

HB 2419, creates the crime of cyberbullying. Delegate Linda Longstreth, D-Marion, co-sponsor.

HB 2421, to require 1.5 years of school study of the Declaration of Independence and other founding documents. Delegate Cindy Frich, R-Monongalia, co-sponsor.

HB 2426, to require minimum life in prison for killing a police officer.

HB 2430, to allow certain people licensed to carry concealed weapons to carry them on Capitol grounds. Frich, co-sponsor.

HB 2441, to allow honorably discharged veterans to hunt, trap and fish without a license.

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