The Parkersburg News and Sentinel
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A freshman senator from Wood County has been named a vice chairman of two committees by West Virginia Senate President-elect Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson.
State Sen. Michael Azinger, R-Wood, was named vice chairman of the Banking and Insurance and the Interstate Cooperation committees.
After serving in the House of Delegates, he was elected in November to the unexpired term in Senate District 3 and is scheduled to be sworn in to his new office on Dec. 29, Azinger said Tuesday.
Azinger said both are good committees and he is also looking forward to see what other committees he might be assigned to based on his positive experiences while serving in the House of Delegates.
Carmichael announced committee chairmen and vice chairmen on Tuesday. The appointments, effective Jan. 11, were:
Agriculture and Rural Development: chairman, Sen. Dave Sypolt, R-Preston; vice chairman, Sen. Patricia Rucker, R-Jefferson.
Banking and Insurance: chairman, Sen. Ed Gaunch, R-Kanawha; vice chairman, Azinger.
Confirmations: chairman, Sen. Donna Boley, R-Pleasants; vice chairman, Sen. Ryan Ferns, R-Ohio.
Economic Development: chairman, Sen. Mike Maroney, R-Marshall; vice chairman, Sen. Mark Maynard, R-Wayne.
Education: chairman, Sen. Kenny Mann, R-Monroe; vice chairman, Sen. Robert Karnes, R-Upshur.
Energy, Industry and Mining: chairman, Sen. Randy Smith, R-Tucker; vice chairman, Sen. Dave Sypolt.
Enrolled Bills: chairman, Sen. Mark Maynard; vice chairman, Sen. Ed Gaunch.
Finance: chairman, Sen. Mike Hall, R-Putnam; vice chairman, Sen. Jeff Mullins, R-Raleigh.
Government Organization: chairman, Sen. Craig Blair, R-Berkeley; vice chairman, Sen. Ed Gaunch.
Health and Human Resources: chairman, Sen. Tom Takubo, R-Kanawha; vice chairman, Sen. Mike Maroney.
Interstate Cooperation: chairman, Sen. Sue Cline, R-Wyoming; vice chairman, Azinger.
Judiciary: chairman, Sen. Charles Trump, R-Morgan; vice chairman, Sen. Ryan Weld, R-Brooke.
Labor: chairman, Sen. Chandler Swope, R-Mercer; vice chairman, Sen. Mark Maynard.
Military: chairman, Sen. Ryan Weld, R-Brooke; vice chairman, Sen. Donna Boley.
Natural Resources: chairman, Sen. Mark Maynard; vice chairman, Sen. Greg Boso, R-Nicholas.
Pensions: chairman, Sen. Ed Gaunch; vice chairman, Sen. Mike Hall.
Rules: chairman, Carmichael.
Transportation and Infrastructure: chairman, Sen. Greg Boso; vice chairman, Sen. Chandler Swope.
The officers will be sworn in on Jan. 11 when the Legislature convenes, but the first day of the session is Feb. 8 because a general election was held this year for a new term of the governor.
“We have a balance of seasoned legislators and new members taking on some of these roles. I believe each of these kinds of people bring tremendous value to the table,” Carmichael said. “These roles require time and dedication above and beyond their ordinary duties as a senator, and I am grateful to those members who have accepted the challenge.”
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