
WVU’s Tent City again pitched near student union

Daily Athenaeum photo by Rob Rago Courtney Freeman, a junior strategic communications student from Cleveland, OH, has been coming to Tent City for the last three years. Always with the intention of meeting new people, Freeman changed one thing this year: bringing her yellow Labrador retriever, Sprocket.
Daily Athenaeum photo by Rob Rago
Courtney Freeman, a junior strategic communications student from Cleveland, OH, has been coming to Tent City for the last three years. Always with the intention of meeting new people, Freeman changed one thing this year: bringing her yellow Labrador retriever, Sprocket.

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Now an annual tradition, Tent City found its way back to Morgantown at 8 a.m. Monday morning when students set out for the Mountainlair Green, some bringing their living rooms with them. Some said they drove as far as Waynesburg, PA in the frenzy to find tents for the occassion, as most stores in the Morgantown area were sold out by Tuesday. The campus campground will continue throughout the week in celebration of Homecoming, with cleanup coming Friday at noon.

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