David Greever, church music director, straightens one of the flag poles in front of a 50-foot American flag draped in front of the Riverside Apostolic Church on Dents Run Boulevard.
WESTOVER, W.Va. — Riverside Apostolic Church, 336 Dents Run Blvd., is flying an American flag that stretches 50 feet.
It honors the country and the men and women who fight for it.
Pastor David Hudson said the stars and stripes go up for almost all holidays with a patriotic tie: July 4, Veterans Day, Pearl Harbor Day, Memorial Day, etc.
It’s flying this week for the Fourth of July.
And, because it’s a chore to raise, the flag will stay up for about a month.
Hudson, who has a son set to retire from the military in December, said his congregation is “extremely supportive of anything patriotic.”
“We joined with churches across American this past Sunday to get down on our knees and pray for the nation,” Hudson said. “We are strong believers in God and country.”
This Sunday, Hudson will be handing out smaller flags to everyone who attends the 10 a.m. church service. Those flag-waving individuals will go outside for a photo opportunity with the 50-foot flag and the other dozen or so regular-sized flags that surround it.