
In spelling bees, all but one must shrug off the loss

Times West Virginian photo by Tammy Shriver  East Fairmont Middle School’s Kendra Carpenter shrugs as she is told that she spelled her word incorrectly.
Times West Virginian photo by Tammy Shriver
East Fairmont Middle School’s Kendra Carpenter shrugs as she is told that she spelled her word incorrectly.

RACHEL, W.Va. — “Pneumatic” was the winning word at the 2016 Marion County Spelling Bee.

Nate Kidder spelled pneumatic correctly to take first place at the spelling bee. In order to win first place, Kidder had to spell two words in a row correctly in the last round of competition. The other word Kidder spelled correctly was “panglossian.”

 Kidder said he wasn’t nervous about the spelling bee.

“The most I studied was today during math…


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