
Preston County benefits from mission trip season

Dominion Post photo by Matt Sunday Paul Delaney, of St. Vincent de Paul, in Stirling, N.J., hammers shingles into Ryan Tennant's newly renovated roof. The church group traveled to Preston County on a mission trip to fix Tennant's Reedsville home roof after raising enough money to do so.
Dominion Post photo by Matt Sunday
Paul Delaney, of St. Vincent de Paul, in Stirling, N.J., hammers shingles into Ryan Tennant’s newly renovated roof. The church group traveled to Preston County on a mission trip to fix Tennant’s Reedsville home roof after raising enough money to do so.

REEDSVILLE, W.Va. — Close to 1,000 out-of-state volunteers helped homeowners in Preston County during the summer.

Darrell Fedeles, the interim coordinator for the Catholic Church of Preston County Home Repair Program, said 900 volunteers, mostly teenagers, from 17 church groups have lent their expertise from replacing kitchens to adding extensions onto houses over an eight week period.

“These youngsters are doing good things,” he said. “They realize they’re doing God’s work because God said to help those in need — and they’re living it…

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