
States should ignore EPA’s clean power plan

A Daily Mail editorial from the Charleston Gazette-Mail

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Once again, the Obama administration seeks to implement a gargantuan new federal program without appropriate legal authority.

No matter one’s beliefs on climate change, any American needs to be concerned about the president’s belief that his administration, by executive order or rulemaking, can implement any rule it desires regardless of existing law.

The United States government was created for the elected representatives to discuss and debate new policies and that no branch of government have ability to make rules without limits to its power.

“Without a vote in Congress or even much public debate, Mr. Obama is using his last 18 months to dictate U.S. energy choices for the next 20 or 30 years,” the Wall Street Journal opined on Tuesday. “This abuse of power is regulation without representation.”

“No words in the Clean Air Act plausibly — never mind reasonably — invite the EPA to coerce the wholesale transformation of state electric grids with arbitrary reduction targets,” wrote Hal Quinn and Peter Glaser in a Wall Street Journal commentary.

 So how should states respond? Other than using legal means to fight the overreach, as West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and a coalition of other states have promised, states need simply to ignore the rule — all 1,560 pages of it…

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