
Race Card: Rockefeller owes W.Va. an apology

An editorial from The Journal 

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — Once again, U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., has accused those critical of President Barack Obama’s health care law of being racists. He did it last week during a Senate hearing.

Rockefeller said some critics of Obamacare “don’t want it to work, because they don’t like the president. Maybe he’s of the wrong color, something of that sort.” It is not the first time he has made such an accusation.

Sadly, a tiny minority of West Virginians are racists, just as there are bigots everywhere.

But for Rockefeller, who is supposed to understand and represent West Virginians, to imply any substantial amount of the opposition to Obamacare is based on the president’s race is, in a word, wrong.

Rockefeller is not seeking re-election. He will leave the Senate early next year. Clearly, that is a good thing for Mountain State residents. A senator with such a low opinion of us certainly cannot represent us well.

On his way out, Rockefeller owes West Virginians an apology.

Click here for The Journal website.

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