
Hysteria over Syrian passports

A Gazette editorial from the Charleston Gazette-Mail 

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Millions of desperate people are fleeing the hideous civil war in Syria. News photos show frantic families and children swimming, running and scrambling for safe havens — and some drowning. The Western world has opened its doors to shelter these unlucky refugees. The Obama White House promised to relocate 10,000.

However, because a suicide bomber who killed himself at a Paris stadium evidently had a Syrian passport, conservatives across America demand that humanitarian acceptance of refugees be halted.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said it would be “nothing less than lunacy” for America to shelter any of the fleeing people. GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump called it “insanity” (and mistakenly said the White House plans to admit 250,000 Syrian refugees).

So far, two dozen Republican governors, and one Democrat, have declared that their states won’t admit any of the war victims. Even Ohio’s John Kasich, who seems more sensible than other GOP presidential candidates, joined this hysteria.

Jeb Bush of Florida said only Christian families from Syria should be admitted, but not Muslims…

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