
Honoring Truly Great Teachers

An editorial from The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register

WHEELING, W.Va. — Really excellent school teachers, the kind whose influence sticks with their students throughout their lives, seldom get the credit they so richly deserve. That will change for some of them during an event scheduled for this evening.

Members of the late Lee Alexander West’s family have chosen to honor his memory in one of the most thoughtful, wonderful ways possible.

West, a 15-year-old freshman at Steubenville High School, died in a fire on Jan. 31, 2012. About a year ago, his family held a memorial service for the well-liked young man.

Since his passing, West’s family has paid tribute to him in truly outstanding ways. His mother, Cookie West, has held annual community birthday parties at Belleview Park and hosted family basketball games at the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center.

This year, she came up with something very, very special.

She decided a memorial service to be held at 6 p.m. today at the Tower of Power Church will honor educators. Specifically, West said she wanted to recognize “the teacher who most impacted (her son’s) life in a positive way…”

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