Opinion, WVPA Sharing

Editorial: W.Va. must find a way forward on education

From The Register-Herald of Beckley:

While most discussions inside education reform hearings held around the state these past couple of weeks have focused on support services for children suffering from the trauma of growing up in broken homes, the benefits and drawbacks of charter schools and the advantages and disadvantages of education savings accounts, we hope academic rigor and a complete overhaul of the administrative system that directs educational services do not get lost in the shuffle.

Not all education issues – too easily and long ignored in this state by both political parties – can be solved overnight, but we must get started.

Parents, policymakers and the public, in general, must sense the urgency of the challenges and possibilities at our doorstep.

We believe there are four main issues at play, two to be addressed immediately, two others that need a little more time on the stove. …

Read the editorial at https://www.register-herald.com/opinion/editorials/lesson-plan-a-way-forward-on-eduction/article_f7f042bd-69a9-5f37-bae2-b71f1be76089.html

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