
Editorial Comment: For Mercer County School Board, free meals is the right answer — The Bluefield Daily Telegraph

The Bluefield Daily Telegraph applauds the Mercer County Board of Education’s decision to continue its free breakfast and lunch program:

…”The Community Eligibility Option was enacted as a result of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and provides universal meal service to children in high poverty areas. It serves as an alternative to collecting, approving, and verifying household eligibility applications for free and reduced price eligible students.

In West Virginia, nearly 14 percent of residents live in “food insecure households” and more than 88,500 children live below the poverty line. And the problem is greater in rural areas such as southern West Virginia.

That’s why the program is so important. No child should go to school hungry, or stay in school hungry.”

Read the entire editorial:


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