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COLUMN: Have hope, start with a win

By Greg Kozera, Shale Crescent USA

Leadership expert, Dr. John Maxwell says; “Where there is no hope in the future there is no power in the present. Leaders are dealers in hope.” With hope people will continue to work toward goals. People give up without hope. In October 2007, my daughter, Dannielle called, “Dad, I signed you up for the St. Patrick’s Day half in Virginia Beach.” “Half what, Dannielle?” “Half-marathon, 13.1 miles.” I protested, “I can’t run that far. I’ve never ran more than five miles.” “Sure, you can.” Dannielle hung up before I could respond.

I toyed with the idea of running a half-marathon and rejected it because I thought I was too old to start running long distances. Dannielle believed in me. The training schedule she developed started me with a win. My first long run in December was 3 miles. I knew I could run that successfully. In January I ran 5 miles. Dannielleencouraged me at each weekly check in. I stuck to the training schedule. When Dannielle left a voice mail that she ran her 7 miles, I certainly wasn’t going to wimp out. By starting with what Dannielle knew would be wins for me she began to build my belief. The 2008 Shamrock Half-Marathon was the first of my now 46 half-marathons, including 8 since my soccer injury. 

Hope is powerful. The dream of our high school seniors was to win the 2024 West Virginia State Boys Soccer Championship. After our first 7 games, we had one win. Doubt crept in. The leaders, (senior captains and coaches) never gave up and kept hope alive for the team. We needed a win to build belief. Coach Joe structured practices to create wins if the boys worked. One challenge we had was scoring goals. Joe set up 6 vs 6 games on a 40-yard field with full size goals and our varsity goal keepers. The drill created a lot of goal scoring opportunities. The boys got better at scoring. Our goal keepers also got better. Joe designed practices to sharpen skills, build fitness and belief in the boys and their team. We began scoring goals and getting wins, finishing the season with 7 wins scoring 31 goals and giving up only one. Ultimately achieving the dream of a State Championship. (our 8th) It started with small successes creating small wins and then big wins. Like my half-marathon training, Dannielle built my belief. The boys had ability that could be developed. They stated with hope and then needed belief. 

I started coaching high school soccer over 25 years ago when the principal called and asked if I would be an assistant coach. I accepted wanting to give back to the school that gave my three children a great education. Our youngest had started college so Lynnda and I were empty nested. We thought it would be helpful to do what we had been doing for years, going to high school soccer matches. What I didn’t expect was the boys giving me the ability to dream again. The boys aren’t afraid to set high goals and then work to achieve them. Sometimes they fall short and learn to get up and go again. Over the years our team has been blessed with a lot of championships on the field and success in life off the field.

Hope and belief are also important for business. Small wins are important to the organization and especially people. In 2017 Shale Crescent did its first major study. IHSMARKIT was hired to compare the cost and profitability of an ethane cracker built on the Gulf Coast versus one built in the Shale Crescent USA. The VP of IHSMARKIT called to say, “We thought the Shale Crescent USA region might have a small advantage. We didn’t realize it would be this great.” It turned out an ethane cracker built in the Shale Crescent USA region has a 4 times greater profitability than one built on the U.S. Gulf Coast. The reason is, a cracker built in the Shale Crescent USA region (Like Shell) is literally on top of its feed stock (ethane) and energy (natural gas). What we didn’t know is 70% of U.S. ethane demand (the plastics processors) is also in the Shale Crescent USA region. This is permanent transportation cost advantage. 

In 2017 Mark, the Shale Crescent USA Chairman, asked, “Greg, with this information can you get us (Shale Crescent USA) on the main stage at the World Petrochemical Conference (WPC) in March?” I told Mark, “The WPC main stage is for CEOs and expert thought leaders. It can’t even be bought. We are just a small nonprofit from Marietta, Ohio.” Mark’s response was, “I believe in you.” Mark’s comment changed my thinking from No Way to What if? And How can we? In March 2018 Tony Palmer- VP of IHSMARKIT presented the Shale Crescent USA/ IHSMARKIT study on the main stage at WPC followed by a panel discussion that included Shell and Bechtel. The panel moderator announced, “The Executive Summary will be at the Shale Crescent USA booth.” Nathan, now Shale Crescent USA President, was suddenly overwhelmed with people who ran to the booth to get a copy of the Executive Summary. The growth and success of Shale Crescent USA started with that first big win. A direct result of Mark’s belief in me. 

I share these stories with you only to help build your belief that your goals and dreams are also possible. What kind of year do you want 2025 to be for you and your organization? 

  • Aim high. Have big dreams. 
  • Have hope in the future. This will give you power in the present. 
  • Do the work. Build your belief by starting with small wins. The big wins will come.

Anything is possible. Decide to make 2025 a Great Year. This isn’t just about receiving, it is about giving. Dannielle and Mark believed in me and gave me hope. We need to believe in others, give them hope and encouragement. The World is looking to leaders like us. We can empower others creating success and prosperity. Have a Happy Healthy Safe and Successful 2025!

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