An editorial from the Parkersburg News and Sentinel
PARKERSBURG, W.Va. — Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., proved rather spectacularly last week that President Barack Obama’s followers in Congress would rather be vocal supporters of his flawed plans than be correct, rational and do what is right for this country.
Boxer, a viciously condescending liberal who would not know the truth if it was dancing in front of her face, got nasty with Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., over Capito’s proposed A.R.E.N.A. Act. The Affordable Reliable Energy Now Act is meant to scale back Obama’s aggressive Clean Power Plan, and was being examined in a subcommittee meeting of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Capito’s proposal simply asks for more power for individual states, forcing the Environmental Protection Agency to submit state-by-state plans on how to meet emissions standards, and asking the EPA to demonstrate that its standards can be achieved for one year, at separate facilities throughout the U.S., before it can set a technology standard for new power plants. Capito knows the standards as written in the Clean Power Plan are unfair to West Virginia. And, judging by her touchy and arrogant reaction, Boxer knows it, too.
Boxer told Capito and West Virginians to “Get with it,” adding “I don’t even know what we’re here for.” She said to Capito “These bills will be reported today. We know we don’t have the votes to stop you. They are not bipartisan in this committee. But there will be opposition on the Senate floor and I hope they never see the light of day.”
Then Boxer continued her assault on Capito’s reasonable and well-thought-out attempt to fend of Obama’s attack by venturing into the land of Liberal fantasy and lies. She acidly said “In my state, the biggest job growth is in clean energy. And guess what? Those are great-paying jobs that can’t be outsourced.” For the sake of politeness, Boxer can be described as mistaken, in her claims. According to California’s Employment Development Department, the sector which saw the biggest job gains in that state, both month-to-month and year-over-year, in the latest analysis, was leisure and hospitality.
In fact, the unemployment rate in California is a full percentage point higher than the national average, at 6.3 percent. Only eight states, West Virginia among them, have higher unemployment rates. But, then again, this is the senator whose statements have merited a “Pants on Fire” rating from PolitiFact. The Foundation for Ethics in Public Service had to point out that Boxer failed to disclose ownership of a million-dollar home in Personal Financial Disclosure Reports between 2002 and 2010.
Boxer cares not for the truth, civility or the efforts of a fellow elected representative to do what is best for her own constituents and the country. This is the example of the soldiers on whom Obama will depend to inflict his plan upon the nation and cement his legacy. Perhaps we should be grateful she has shown her true colors.
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