
Bill to dictate class topics should be history

An editorial from The Exponent Telegram

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — It’s strange that after hearing from opponents about the dangers of indoctrinated education supposedly “caused” by Common Core curriculum, we learn some of those same critics have given us House Bill 2107 in the West Virginia Legislature.

The bill outlines how American history will be taught, including adding criminal penalties for teachers who would dare stray from guidelines. Those guidelines mandate that students learn first about key elements of U.S. history, such as the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights before they can learn about other aspects of history, such as economics, social problems, foreign affairs and the United Nations.

A teacher who doesn’t follow the curriculum would be charged with a misdemeanor. If convicted, teachers could be fined $10 per offense and surrender their teaching position for a year.

The bill has been met with strong criticism, and rightly so…

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