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Wood County Schools probe teacher’s FB post

Parkersburg News and Sentinel  A screen capture shows a message and image posted Friday by Parkersburg South High School teacher David Foggin seemingly making fun of a club for gay and straight students at the school. Wood County Schools officials say they are investigating.
Parkersburg News and Sentinel
A screen capture shows a message and image posted Friday by Parkersburg South High School teacher David Foggin seemingly making fun of a club for gay and straight students at the school. Wood County Schools officials say they are investigating.

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. — A Facebook post by a Parkersburg South High School teacher that ignited a controversy over the weekend is under investigation by Wood County Schools, officials said on Monday.

David Foggin, a science teacher at Parkersburg South, on Friday posted a photo of a meeting announcement for the PSHS Gay-Straight Alliance, a club at the school.

“Club meeting at PSHS!! Rally around them and show ur (sic) support. We are also considering a drunks-t totaller(sic) club, drugged/sober club, smokeless tobacco vs smokes club, street racing, and deer poaching clubs. Please donate and support us. Thank u!!!(sic) I think I hear the drag already zinging,” he said in the post.

The posting generated hundreds of comments, both in support of Foggin and those accusing him of bullying students. Screen captures of the post were shared dozens of times, including on gay, lesbian and transegender rights discussion groups.

Principal Tom Eschbacher declined to comment Monday…

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