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Student’s daycare plan headed to Charleston

BLUEFIELD, W.Va. — Bluefield State College student Cheyanne Walker didn’t quite win the statewide final round of the West Virginia University Collegiate Business Plan Competition in early April. But she walked away with an even bigger prize. One of the competition’s judges. who is also CEO for a major Charleston-based business, offered to hire her to implement her day care business proposal for the company.

Walker, a senior Business major, competed against 14 other semifinalist teams, 10 of which were from WVU. Her presentation centered upon “Precious Possessions Day Care,” an innovative day care center that included pre-school, after school tutoring for in-school students, interactive web cams, weekend care and extended hours.

When winners were announced in each of three categories, Walker’s name wasn’t called.

“At that point I thought, ‘That’s OK. The experience was great,’” she said. “Then the emcee said, ‘The judges have asked if there can be two winners in a category.’ That’s when one judge exercised the option of funding the plan himself.”

BrickStreet CEO Greg Burton, told Walker, “I’ve been needing a daycare for employees. Cheyanne, if you are willing to come to Charleston, I’ll fund the plan for you.”

“At that moment, I was overwhelmed … shocked,” Walker said. “Until the business plan competition, I really didn’t have plans set in stone for what I would do after graduation. Now a door has opened, and I feel led to go through it…”

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