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Putnam prosecutor decries Guantanamo in post

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A West Virginia prosecutor whom the U.S. government has invited several times to observe legal proceedings at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, wrote Friday that the detainees there “can rot in hell as far as I am concerned.”

Putnam County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Sorsaia made the comment in a post on his Facebook page.

“I just came back from a week at GITMO,” Sorsaia wrote. “In many ways it was a frustrating week. The political correctness of that place has gone over the edge. Way too much time on trying not to offend the Detainees (sic) religious beliefs in the detention camps, and not enough time on getting them convicted.

“The Obama administration has not only wanted to close GITMO, but they also in many ways intentionally screwed it up to [the] point that nothing is being accomplished…I agree with the Senator from Arkansas, the detainees can rot in hell as far as I am concerned.”

Obama vowed to shutter the controversial prison in his first year in office, but so far has failed to do so. At Guantanamo, detainees are not given some of the fundamental legal protections, like the right for a prisoner to know the charges against him, that U.S. citizens receive in civilian trials.

According to the international organization Human Rights Watch, the vast majority of the 122 men detained at Guantanamo are being held without charges or trial.

Sorsaia visited Guantanamo twice last year...

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