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New Marshall students leaders sworn into office

Parthenon photo by Tyler Pralley Incoming Marshall student body President Duncan Waugaman and Vice President Lila Mangus
Parthenon photo by Tyler Pralley
Incoming Marshall student body President Duncan Waugaman and Vice President Lila Mangus

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — After months of preparation, campaigning and endless hours of work, new Student Body President Duncan Waugaman and Student Body Vice President Lila Mangus were sworn into office Sunday at the 2014 Student Government Association Inauguration before a small gathering of faculty, family and close friends in the Shawkey Dining Room in the Memorial Student Center.

Former Student Body President E.J. Hassan began the event with a brief of introduction of Stephen J. Kopp, Marshall University president. Kopp then proceeded with a few words to express his thoughts on the new administration.

“I look forward to working alongside this new administration over the next year and solving issues in our student body with them,” Kopp said. “For us, the student body is the most important thing at Marshall University and it will be an honor to work with this administration on behalf of our students.”

Vanessa Keadle, director of Parent Programs and Student Advocacy, administered the oaths of office to Waugaman and Mangus. Former Vice President Ashley Lyons then gave a brief introduction of the new student body vice president before Mangus addressed those in attendance.

“I’ve always bled Kelly green and white,” Mangus said. “Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of coming to Marshall University and not being just a fan but a student. Little did I know I would go from being the girl who was hardly involved on campus to student body vice president…

Click here for more: http://www.marshallparthenon.com/waugaman-mangus-sworn-into-office-1.2866357#.U15htvldWSo

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