SPANISHBURG, W.Va. – A 4-year-old child was found early Wednesday morning between a mattress and a box spring in the wreckage of a mobile home that was destroyed by a suspected tornado in Mercer County. His mother was located about 80-feet away. Both the child, and his mother, was hospitalized following the storm.
Ashley Radford, 30, and her 4-year-old son Tyler, were injured in the storm, according to their uncle Jerry Wimmer.
“God must have been sitting beside them,” Wimmer said. “He had to have been. I’ve never seen anything like this in West Virginia before.”
Wimmer said the 4-year-old child was found between a mattress and box springs. He said the boy’s mother was found was approximately 80 feet away. Both were transported to the hospital, and have since been released.
Crews with the National Weather Service in Blacksbug, Va., are now on the scene of the damage.
Phil Hysell and Robert C. Stonefield, meteorologists with the National Weather Service in Blacksburg, Va., were both on scene Wednesday morning.
“What we want to do is survey all points of damage in the storm’s path,” Hysell said. “We want to see if it was caused by straight line wind or a tornado…