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Marshall board approves employee pay raises

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Despite a $2.5 million reduction in state appropriations, Marshall University’s Board of Governors on Wednesday approved a 2 percent pay raise for faculty and staff.

The board initially planned to issue 3 percent raises, totaling $1.8 million, but mid-year changes to the university’s budget prompted officials to recommend a smaller increase.

Raises likely will take effect on the first pay period in January.

Salary increases come as university officials finalize plans on how to deal with a 4 percent budget cut mandated in October by Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin. That cut, in part, has left the university with a $2.6 million hole in its budget, said Mary Ellen Heuton, Marshall’s chief financial officer.

At Wednesday’s Board of Governors meeting, Heuton reported the deficit when she gave the board a budget forecast for the fiscal year’s remaining six months. She said conservative budgeting has made balancing the budget possible.

But school officials aren’t only looking at keeping the university in the black for the rest of the year.

“It’s not just 2016 we’re working on,” Heuton said. “We’re looking ahead to 2017 because there’s probably going to be cuts again…

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