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Kessler wants lawmakers to stick around

WHEELING, W.Va. — As lawmakers remain in Charleston to hash out a budget almost certain to include an unprecedented dip into West Virginia’s Rainy Day Fund, Senate President Jeff Kessler is urging Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin to call a special session to address a number of other issues left unresolved as time ran out on the regular session at midnight Saturday.

Tomblin already has extended the legislative session four additional days – through today – as he is constitutionally required to do if the Legislature fails to pass a budget bill three days prior to the end of the regular session.

But his proclamation limits discussion to the budget bill, and lawmakers are waiting to see whether Tomblin will call for debate on other issues they didn’t address during the regular 60-day session.

There are two ways to convene a special session: By governor’s proclamation, or upon request of three-fifths of the members of both houses.

Specific bills that Kessler, D-Marshall, wants to see listed on the governor’s call include measures giving counties the authority to use their own money to provide raises to elected county officials and allowing the disposal of drilling waste generated from well sites in commercial solid waste facilities…

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