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Fairmont State repairs a campus landmark

Times West Virginian photo courtesy Fairmont State University The one-room schoolhouse on Fairmont State’s campus is being renovated this summer for structural leaning and other structure issues. Construction is ahead of schedule and is due to be finished in August.
Times West Virginian photo courtesy Fairmont State University
The one-room schoolhouse on Fairmont State’s campus is being renovated this summer for structural leaning and other structure issues. Construction is ahead of schedule and is due to be finished in August.

FAIRMONT, W.Va. — Laura Ingalls Wilder and Fairmont State University students may have something in common in the fall as the one-room schoolhouse reopens its doors for classes.

Fairmont State and Pierpont Community & Technical College have teamed up to provide needed repairs to the one-room schoolhouse near the entrance of the university, according to Fairmont State construction manager Stephanie Slaubaugh.

 The one-room schoolhouse has been a campus landmark since its transportation to the campus in 1962 and its move to the current location in 1992.

According to a Fairmont State press release, the schoolhouse’s original location was in Rymer, about 8 miles from Mannington.

The press release said the original log building was constructed by William Snodgrass in 1840 to serve as a church and school.

In 1871, the building was replaced by the white frame schoolhouse that now stands on Fairmont State’s campus.

The press release said it served as both a free subscription school and later a public school with the Mannington District before ceasing operations before 1950.

Slaubaugh said the move had caused nail holes to widen and the building to structurally lean…


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