Newspaper Industry News

Cub Scouts see how Clarksburg paper is made

Exponent Telegram photo by Kirsten Reneau
Exponent Telegram photo by Kirsten Reneau

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — Salem Cub Scout Troop 37 had the chance to discover just how newspaper production works on Monday at The Exponent Telegram.

The group, with Scouts ranging in age from 5 to 12, toured through the building, learning everything from how stories get written to how the newspaper is printed on an offset press.

Pictured, left to right, back row: Kevin Gay and den mothers Rae Blake, Sarah Hurst and Michelle Gay. Front row: Anthony Boyer, Alex Johnson, Isaac Johnson, Hayden Davis, Gabe Hurst, Brody Rankle and Apollos Schneider.

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