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Gazette-Mail editorial: Smoke and mirrors of WV finances exposed

Charleston Gazette-Mail

Not too long ago, then-Gov. Jim Justice, now a U.S. senator, was touting a $1.3 billion surplus in state revenue. Such a windfall, Justice said, must be used to cut the state’s income tax, if not repeal it entirely.

So, Justice and the West Virginia Legislature, controlled by a Republican supermajority, did just that. By the time Justice left office earlier this month, the income tax — the largest source of revenue for state government — had been cut by more than 27%.

Now, the new governor, Patrick Morrisey, says West Virginia is in financial crisis, facing a budget shortfall of about $400 million, which is only projected to get worse.

So, what happened?

Read more: https://www.wvgazettemail.com/opinion/editorial/gazette-mail-editorial-smoke-and-mirrors-of-wv-finances-exposed/article_500621e0-dcc0-11ef-934b-e7abac8531af.html

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