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WVPA editorial and advertising contest help available over the weekend

Message from executive director Don Smith:

As the WVPA contest deadline of March 30 nears, I want to assure everyone not to panic. We will work with you to make sure everything is entered correctly. There have been a lot of calls and questions and we expect more over the final weekend.  

You can call or email Samantha and me after hours and over the weekend. Worse case, we will work out any major problems on Monday, if necessary. The site will remain open for uploads. You will not be locked out. 
Our contact information is as follows: 
Don Smith: 304-550-0454, [email protected]
Samantha Smith: 304-642-9363, [email protected]
Here are the answers to the most common questions on Friday:
— You can mail the entries that you must use hard copies on Monday. 
— You can mail entry fee checks next week after accounting prints them. 
— Best single issue is one issue per entry and a maximum of two entries. 
— Best columnist entries require three columns but the columnist per entry. 
Again, we will work with everyone to get your entries into the contest. 
Thanks for your interest and support.

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