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West Virginia AFL-CIO’s annual Workers Memorial Day observed in Mannington


Times West Virginian

MANNINGTON — One by one, the names of West Virginians who lost their lives on the job last year were read.
With each name, a bell was rung.
A solemn remembrance, it was part of the 30th observance of the West Virginia AFL-CIO’s annual Workers Memorial Day at the Farmington No. 9 Mine Disaster Memorial in Mannington to honor the ­­22 West Virginians who lives were lost at work in 2018.
(Times West Virginian photo by Eric Hrin)

MANNINGTON, W.Va.  — One by one, the names of West Virginians who lost their lives on the job last year were read.

With each name, a bell was rung.

A solemn remembrance, it was part of the 30th observance of the West Virginia AFL-CIO’s annual Workers Memorial Day at the Farmington No. 9 Mine Disaster Memorial in Mannington to honor the 22 West Virginians who lives were lost at work in 2018.

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