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Women at WVU-Parkersburg symposium urged to seek potential and dreams


The Parkersburg News and Sentinel

Heather Hepburn, a second session panelist, sings before the start of the afternoon session of The Climb Symposium at West Virginia University at Parkersburg.
(News and Sentinel photo by Jeff Baughan)

PARKERSBURG, W.Va.  — West Virginia University at Parkersburg hosted “The Climb Symposium: A Celebration of Women’s History Month” as part of National Women’s History Month on Tuesday at the school.

The symposium had two panel discussions with local women in academia, government and media.

The Peggy Adams Gilmer Memorial Book Award, a $500 award and named in honor of WVU-P President Chris Gilmer’s mother, was presented to Miranda Reed, a senior in legal studies at WVU-P. She is the treasurer of the Student Government Association, president of the Legal Studies Society and president of the Wood County Collegiate 4-H Club. The award will be presented annually to a student to cover textbook-related costs.

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