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Williamson Memorial seeks financial assistance from county

By Heather Wolford, Mingo Messenger

WILLIAMSON, W.Va. — Williamson Memorial’s Chief Executive Officer Timothy Hatfield approached the Mingo County Commission on Tuesday, May 21, requesting financial aid of $1 million from the Economic Development Fund. 

Hatfield began by providing a brief history of the  Williamson Health and Wellness Center, detailing its inception, current status and plans.

He emphasized that the center is among the 1,375 Federally Qualified Health Care Clinics nationwide. Over the past decade, he said, the organization has expanded its workforce to 147 employees in Mingo County, catering to various healthcare needs, including behavioral health, dental care and occupational health.

Hatfield said the upcoming renovation of a building adjacent to the Post 49 Market, which is owned by  Williamson Health and Wellness Center, will lead to the establishment of a pediatric clinic in the fall. Additionally, he said, the center has extended its services to the school system through Telehealth initiatives.

Hatfield underscored the positive impact of the center’s growth on Mingo County, which he said has created job opportunities and fostered economic development.

He said the acquisition and charitable restructuring of  Williamson Memorial Hospital in 2020 has created partnerships for addiction recovery care and ongoing renovations to enhance healthcare services.

He said the lab opened in February 2024, and that radiology services also opened in April of this year. He said the next phase is to open the hospital. 

“It’s been a long time coming but I get asked and I’m sure people of  Williamson Health and Wellness have been asked for years when the hospital is going to open,” Hatfield said. “You can’t just turn a key and open the hospital.” 

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