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Where are the wild things? In your backyard


The Pocahontas Times

To encourage West Virginians to landscape with the habitat needs of wildlife in mind, the DNR established the Wild Yards program. After a property is approved, it is entered into the Wild Yard Registry. Here, DNR Wildlife Biologist Jim Fregonara displays the Wild Yards certificate (l) and decorative metal sign (r) which are awarded to Wild Yard property owners. “We hope property owners will proudly display both,” he said.
(Pocahontas Times photo by L.D. Bennett)

MARLINTON, W.Va. — Anyone who lives in Pocahontas County knows where the wild things are – they’re all around us.

For those who’d like to bring some of these creatures in a little closer to home, there’s plenty of advice available from the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources and its “Wild Yard” program.

So many of us have bird feeders, native plants and water sources in our yards and on our farms, that I’ll bet a lot of us may already qualify for designation as a “Wild Yard.”

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