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West Virginia’s cannabis industry could get an upgrade with new legislation

By Esteban Fernandez, Times West Virginian

FAIRMONT, W.Va. — Cannabis is getting the old college try again in the West Virginia State Legislature.

Del. Evan Hansen, D-79, introduced HB-4873 into the House of Delegates, which seeks to establish a framework under which adults over the age of 21 can legally consume cannabis products in the state of West Virginia. Del. Joey Garcia, D-76, of Fairmont, is a cosponsor on the bill.

“Cannabis, I think, in many ways can be less dangerous than alcohol, which is regulated,” Garcia said. “And we’ve seen other states like Colorado lead the way. The scary stories about what would happen have not transpired. And it has been something that’s been an economic driver.”

Ohio has already passed a referendum to legalize the regulation of cannabis, Garcia said. He said other states have already led the way and West Virginia needs to not be last like it often is.

The bill maintains a prohibition on driving under the influence of cannabis, and bans its use for people under the age of 21. Similar to alcohol laws, adults interested in purchasing cannabis products would have to present ID in order to obtain it. Possession of one ounce or less of cannabis would be legal, as would manufacture, transport, packaging or display up to the same amount.

The law provides legal language around the requirements for operating a non-medical cannabis dispensary. Current medical dispensaries would have to file for an additional license if they wanted to expand their operations beyond medical cannabis.

Voters could also approve if they want cannabis sold or manufactured in their counties. The bill provides a way for county commissions to put the matter up for public vote in either a primary or general election.

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