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West Virginia State Society to host March 8 Congressional reception

WVSS to honor Mountain State’s delegation for the 115th Congress in Washington, D.C.

Release from the West Virginia State Society:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The West Virginia State Society (WVSS) announces the 2017 West Virginia Congressional Reception.

U.S. Senators Joe Manchin, III and Shelley Moore Capito, along with U.S. Representatives David McKinley (1st district), Alex Mooney (2nd district), and Evan Jenkins (3rd district) will offer remarks and spend the evening mingling with West Virginians and friends from around the D.C.-area.

The event will be held Wednesday, March 8, 2017 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. in Room G-50 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. Organizers said the  annual event congratulates the new Congress and honors their efforts for the state and nation in the year ahead.

“The Congressional Reception has become a must-attend event for our delegation, our membership and sponsors,” said society president and Morgantown-native, Pete Deremer. “Regardless of where we may reside, our hearts remain in West Virginia. We are pleased, as West Virginians in our nation’s capital, to host such an exceptional event. On behalf of WVSS, I extend my sincere thanks to our delegation and welcome them and their staffs, our members, friends, and sponsors.”

The 2017 West Virginia Congressional Reception and other WVSS events are made possible through the generosity of this year’s sponsors:

  • • Capital Caring / WV Caring
  • • Marshall University
  • • Merrill Lynch – Eric Schumer
  • • Orion Strategies
  • • Pierpont Community & Technical College
  • • TSG Consulting
  • • United Bank
  • • West Virginia University

Members of the event planning committee, headed by event co-chairs Mike Fulton, originally of Parkersburg, and Alan Fleming, originally of Chapmanville, invite anyone interested in attending. Others serving on the planning committee include Nikki Cannon, Seth Gainer, Francis Grubar, Chelsey Hathaway, Stephanie Mathias, Ashley Perks, Patrick Robertson and Chip Slaven.

There is no fee to attend, though an online RSVP is requested. Sponsorship and WVSS membership information is available at


About West Virginia State Society: The West Virginia State Society (WVSS) was formed in 1914 by and for people who live in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, but still call West Virginia “home.” The WVSS is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization that provides year-round opportunities for those with roots and pride in West Virginia to have a strong presence in our nation’s capital. WVSS members gather for the Congressional Reception, Cherry Bloom Princess and Festival, state’s birthday party and monthly happy hours to keep in touch with their native state.

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