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West Virginia AG sending $235K to consumers targeted by telemarketer

The Inter-Mountain

CHARLESTON, W.Va.  — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has started the process of distributing more than $235,000 to consumers victimized by a kitchen hardware manufacturing and sales company, a business the Attorney General accused of violating the state’s consumer protection law and telemarketing act.

NuWave, LLC, formerly known as Hearthware, LLC, manufactures cookware and kitchen hardware, selling to consumers primarily through telemarketing — sometimes done through outside vendors. The Attorney General alleged neither NuWave nor its vendors were registered and bonded as telemarketers with the West Virginia Tax Department.

“As soon as a business misrepresents itself, consumer protection issues arise,” Attorney General Morrisey said. “I’m glad to see hardworking West Virginians recoup some of what was taken. This hopefully sends a message that all businesses must comply with our state’s consumer protection laws.”

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