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Weirton resident seeking Senate seat


The Weirton Daily Times

WEIRTON, W.Va.  — While admitting he probably has a long shot of getting elected, Jack Newbrough said he still will make sure his concerns, and the concerns of West Virginians, are heard during the 2018 election.

Weirton resident Jack Newbrough is seeking a seat in the U.S. Senate on the Republican ticket.
(Weirton Daily News photo by Craig Howell)

“I’m not a politician, but I’m not afraid of these people,” Newbrough, a resident of Weirton who is seeking a seat in the U.S. Senate on the Republican ticket, said during a town hall Friday. “I might not beat them, but I guarantee my voice will be heard.”

Newbrough, a Navy veteran who drives a truck for a living, stood before a small group of residents Friday night at the American Legion Post 10 hall to discuss his thoughts on the nation and why he is running for the seat currently occupied by Democrat Joe Manchin.

He said he was inspired to run for office, in part, because of difficulties in his own family, noting his sister and brother-in-law have both had jobs sent overseas. He also noted the lack of well-paying jobs, saying it is driving youth away from West Virginia.

While acknowledging the oil and gas industry is helping the local economy, Newbrough said most of those getting work in the field are being brought into the area.

“Nobody from this town is doing that job,” he said. “They’re all coming from outside.”

Newbrough said he plans to focus his campaign on three specific issues, raising concerns about healthcare, the need for tax reform and the idea of instituting term limits in Congress. The last one, he said, is important to make certain elected officials do the work with which they are tasked.

“If they’re not doing their job, they should get fired,” he said. “Me, I don’t want to be there for 30 years.”

Newbrough said reform of the nation’s healthcare laws is needed, pointing to West Virginia only having one provider participating in the Affordable Care Act exchange.

Immigration also is a big issue for Newbrough, who said he feels increased security on the border is a must, along with better enforcement of immigration regulations.

“I’m all for people coming here to make a better life,” he said. “Do it the legal way.”

Newbrough praised the work of President Donald Trump, saying he plans to run his campaign in a similar fashion.

“I’m a straight-forward guy,” Newbrough said. “I say it like it is.”

Howell can be contacted at [email protected], and followed via Twitter @CHowellWDT

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