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State employees plead with PEIA officials to find a solution and forego planned rate hikes during Morgantown forum

By Esteban Fernandez, Times West Virginian

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — George Powell, a facilities maintenance worker at West Virginia University, has struggled with depression since they were five years old.

They’re on five different medications for anxiety, ADHD, PTSD and major depression. They called it a cocktail of disorders for their head, one so bad it prevents Powell from getting out of bed. It took Powell six months to land their job at WVU, which made it possible to afford their medication.

So when 10 members of the Public Employee Insurance Agency Board failed to show in person at a meeting in Morgantown Tuesday to face accountability from public employees over a proposed rate doubling, Powell became infuriated. The meeting was held at the Erickson Alumni Center on WVU’s Evansdale Campus.

“Some of these people work very hard for the state, for you guys,” Powell said. “And in return, it feels like you’re giving them a slap and spitting in their face while saying good job.”

More than 100 people attended the meeting where Brian Cunningham, director of PEIA, and two other PEIA representatives walked public employees through the proposed rate hikes that take effect for fiscal year 2026. The missing 10 PEIA representatives were present by phone. Premiums will increase by 14%, and deductibles and out of pocket maximums will increase by 40%. Several forms of copay will more than double, as will the spouse surcharge. Prescription costs will also double for public employees. The increase in prices is to cover a $113 million funding gap.

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