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Raleigh County teachers share concerns, say they’re ready to take action


The Register-Herald

Crystal Yost, a Raleigh County teacher, voices concerns about PEIA and the one percent raise proposed by state legislators during a meeting in Beckley on Monday.
(Register-Herald photo by Chris Jackson)

BECKLEY, W.Va. — Several Raleigh County teachers say unless lawmakers can meet their demands, they’re ready to take action.

Their main concerns are rising PEIA (Public Employee Insurance Agency) premiums, a proposed 1 percent pay raise which they say will not begin to cover PEIA premiums, an “invasive” Go365 health application and the proposed elimination of seniority.

Elsewhere in the state, including Wyoming County, school employees are considering a one-day walkout to protest the issues.

Crystal Yost, an elementary teacher in Raleigh County, said her health insurance premium is increasing by nearly $300 per month — $3,600 per year.

“When compared to the insignificant pay raise, mine and other teachers’ net take-home pay will drastically decrease,” Yost said.

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