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Quoits – the age old game of Marshall University


The Parthenon

Maurice Cooley and President Jerry Gilbert present a plaque to Spin the Bronze Circle, for winning the annual Quoits tournament Sept. 19. From left to right, Maurice Cooley, Dave Daniel, Bill Rawlinson and President Gilbert.
(Parthenon photo by Gretchen Kalar)

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Quoits is the game Marshall University students and faculty participate in yearly in celebration of John Marshall’s birthday.

“Quoits is an old game that goes back until at least the 1700’s,” President Jerry Gilbert said. “It pre-dated John Marshall. It was his favorite game, and he played it weekly.”

The game and its rules are similar to horseshoes; players will throw a quoit and try to get on or as close to a spike as possible.

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