By Danyel VanReenen
The Journal of Martinsburg
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There are multiple bills in the state House and Senate that would affect the Eastern Panhandle if implemented. Sen. Craig Blair, R-Berkeley, has introduced and supported several of those bills.
Known as the “Right of Eminent Domain,” SB 245 is one bill with potential consequences for local landowners. Introduced by Blair, the bill would grant natural gas companies certain privileges to use and assess privately owned land.

A footnote in the bill states that the purpose of the proposed rule is to permit natural gas companies to enter private property without the prior consent of the owner.
“We’re sitting on what’s often referred to as the Saudi Arabia of natural gas,” Blair said. “With that comes tremendous economic benefit. This bill would take steps to protect property owners and the private property of individuals by requesting their permission with a 15 day notice, and provides provisions for reimbursement for actual damages that may result from entering their property.”
Although Blair said the bill would take steps to protect property owners, he also the said the current version of the bill would allow natural gas companies to proceed onto private ground if written permission is not received by the proposed entry date.
“As currently worded, the bill doesn’t specifically state what happens if a landowner objects. As worded, it doesn’t appear that there’s anything that prohibits the company from entering just on the language of the bill,” Blair said.
This bill is still under review by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Blair said he’s also in the process of trying to repeal what he said is obsolete code. SB 171 aims to repeal a portion of the 1931 West Virginia Code relating to the Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly.
“The section (the bill) repeals specifically says that PACE programs cannot operate in West Virginia without a contact with U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources,” Blair said.
This bill has also passed the Senate. It has been introduced to a House committee.
Senate bill 169, aimed at repealing the article providing assistance to Korea and Vietnam veterans exposed to certain chemical defoliants, does nothing but repeal obsolete code, according to Blair. The bill has passed the Senate and is under review by a House committee.
Another bill with potential effects for the Eastern Panhandle is SB 278, which would make Sunday hunting legal throughout West Virginia. Introduced by Blair and 14 other senators, the bill would permit hunting on Sundays on private land with the consent of the landowner. The language of the bill would also void the results of any ballot measure prohibiting Sunday hunting, according to a footnote in the bill.
Currently, both Berkeley and Jefferson counties allow Sunday hunting on private lands. Morgan County, however, does not allow the Sunday hunting option.
The Sunday hunting bill is still under review by the Senate Natural Resources Committee.
Staff writer Danyel VanReenen can be reached at 304-263-8931, ext. 131, or on Twitter @DVanReenenJN.