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Pesky pigeons produce problems in Upshur County

By Amanda Hayes

For The Inter-Mountain

Pigeon spike strips like these located under the walkway that connects the Upshur County Courthouse to the annex will be installed around the dome and cupola as part of a plan to discourage pigeons from damaging the structure.
(Inter-Mountain photo by Amanda Hayes)

BUCKHANNON, W.Va.  — Pesky pigeons have become more than just a nuisance at the Upshur County Courthouse. Their droppings are causing problems with the most iconic feature of the 1899 structure — its dome and cupola.

Commissioner Terry Cutright said, “They are damaging the dome. The feces they are dropping is acidic and we are afraid that it is going to start eating holes in the dome.”

County administrator Carrie Wallace said that comparing photos of the dome and cupola from a year ago to more recent photos is “astounding.”

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