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Parkersburg songwriter Todd Burge inspired by ‘Inauguration Day’

From Staff Reports

The Parkersburg News and Sentinel

PARKERSBURG — Singer-songwriter Todd Burge of Parkersburg is getting positive feedback, and views, from a political song he released on Jan. 19, the day before President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Todd Burge of Parkersburg released a song, “Inauguration Day (We’re Not Leaving Town),” on Jan. 19.
(Submitted photo)

Burge said Wednesday he has not gotten a single negative comment about his song, “Inauguration Day (We’re Not Leaving Town),” on YouTube or his Facebook page. “It’s a real trick, not angering anyone while singing about such a heated topic,” he said.

As he wrote the song, Burge said, he focused on Barack Obama not moving from the nation’s capital after the Trump inauguration last Friday. After a vacation, the Obamas will be living in a house in Washington, D.C.

Barack Obama’s supporters also are not leaving town (Washington, D.C.), and their mission and message remain as well, Burge noted.

Regardless of a person’s political stance, and what he or she believes, it doesn’t matter who is in the White House, Burge said, describing the message of his song. “Do what you can to make the world a better place, from your own homes, in your own communities,” he writes.

Our thoughts of a former president and his actions don’t disappear, Burge said.

Burge said his goal, during the past few years, has been to develop timely songs, which coincide with the day’s headlines. He tries to post his songs immediately to reach this impact.

Burge will be performing at the Walker Theater in the Clay Center in Charleston at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 4. He will be guest host for Mountain Stage at 7 p.m. Feb. 12 in the Culture Center Theater in Charleston.

The lyrics to “Inauguration Day (We’re Not Leaving Town)” follow:

Pray if you pray

Or maybe meditate

On the state of a nation starting over

Over the hill

Or the hump, if you will

Or maybe we’re just climbing

Up up up

Our class is half full

And our hearts are broken

Yet hope is pumping out

So, we’re not leaving town

We’re not leaving town

So what can we do?

Are you feeling helpless too?

But just help those who

Might need more than you and I do?

Lift up a child

Pick up the down and out

Shoot a sunny ray in the way

Of some nasty cloud

Our class is half full

And our hearts are broken

Yet hope is pumping out

So, we’re not leaving town

We’re not leaving town

So, pray if you pray

Or maybe meditate

On the state of a nation starting over

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