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Morrisey partners with Social Security and Inspector General to establish anti-fraud unit

First-of-its-kind partnership in state’s history to prevent disability fraud CHARLESTON, W.Va., — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, the Social Security Administration and its Office of the Inspector General (OIG) announced today the formation of the Cooperative Disability Investigations (CDI) Unit in Charleston.  As part of the nationwide CDI Program, the Charleston Unit identifies[Read More…]

Charleston to pay man $650K after ambulance drug mix-up

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Charleston city officials will pay a man $650,000 after paramedics in a city ambulance gave the man a drug that nearly killed him. The claim settlement is probably the largest paid by the city in nearly a decade, said City Attorney Paul Ellis, who presented the settlement[Read More…]

Work, training relinked to WV food stamps

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Up to 47,700 West Virginians could lose their food stamp benefits next year unless they work part-time or take job-training classes. The state Department of Health and Human Resources announced Monday that it is reinstating work and job-training requirements for recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP) benefits in[Read More…]

Manchin applauds Senate passage of GONE Act to cut government waste

Manchin-Fischer bill would save taxpayer dollars by closing expired grant accounts WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Friday, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed The Grants Oversight and New Efficiency (GONE) Act, bipartisan legislation to save taxpayer dollars by providing additional oversight over the financial accountability of federal grant programs. The bill, which was reintroduced by[Read More…]

The Associated Press shares 10 things to know Tuesday, Dec. 22

Dorothy Abernathy, regional media director of The Associated Press, shares 10 things you need to know Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2015. Look for full stories on these late-breaking news items and much more in West Virginia newspapers. 1. BRITISH TROOPS DEPLOY TO AFGHAN PROVINCE AMID TALIBAN BATTLE The development comes a[Read More…]

Annual Hank Williams tribute concert scheduled for Jan. 9 in Charleston

The 15th annual Hank Williams tribute concert will take place in Charleston at the Clay Center for the Arts Sciences’ Maier Performance Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 9. Tickets are $25.  Known as the “Hillbilly Shakespeare,” Williams was a star of the Grand Ole Opry and a best-selling songwriter, known for composing such[Read More…]

WV hospitals doing their part to improve community health

By Joe Letnaunchyn, President and CEO West Virginia Hospital Association CHARLESTON, WV — Much has been written about the benefits of healthcare coverage expansion to West Virginia hospitals through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). With more West Virginians having access to coverage than ever before, the goal of a healthier population is[Read More…]

Treasurer Perdue presents unclaimed property to churches

Latest distributions bring total to $35,000 in last month West Virginia State Treasurer John Perdue’s comments on the unclaimed property and current religious divisiveness are included below. “Each year, we strive to return unclaimed property to rightful owners. Folks who have lost track of their assets run the gamut. Individuals. Businesses. Estates. Churches. Churches?[Read More…]

SBA’s video series on Millennial starts-ups inspires young entrepreneurs

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Small Business Administration’s My Brother’s Keeper Initiative Friday unveiled the full line-up of the six successful millennial entrepreneurs featured in a new video series hosted by Mike Muse, the SBA MBK Millennial Entrepreneur Champion. The six-part video series, titled “Biz My Way,” encourages millennials to follow their passion[Read More…]

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